
Created by Jeremy Brown and Nikolaos Stroubos

This repository is a hacky proof of concept using MQTT to publish and read messages and cross reference a whitelist to either approve or reject a rfid card swipe. The idea is there is 1 to n devices connected to a reader or readers, and there is one central device that stores the list of approved users. It’s a pretty basic implementation but I intend to do a more advanced/professional version of it as I learn and develop my skills!

Here’s a link to the repository

Python Modules Used:

paho.mqtt.client as mqtt mfrc522 numpy as np pandas as pd time RPi.GPIO as GPIO os datetime threading

sshfs commands:


sshfs [email protected]: directory


sudo umount directory


sudo diskutil umount force directory

mqtt server:

eclipse-mqtt server startup command:

docker run -i -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 -v /home/pi/docker/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf -v /mosquitto/data -v /mosquitto/log eclipse-mosquitto

raspi system log check:


cat /var/log/syslog | grep foo

Running in /etc/rc.local:

  • docker eclipse-mqtt server
  • python scripts


ps aux | grep python


  • 12-1-20: Adding detection of unlock from a keypad (GPIO High->Low trigger)
Written on October 7, 2023